Artist & Believer in Magic

What inspires me? Life… and seeing the magic in the ordinary. It's as simple as that. It's not just about capturing scenes or moments; it's about breathing in the essence of existence itself.

Life… it's the ultimate muse.

I find inspiration in the simplest of things – the way sunlight filters through leaves, the laughter of children, even the rain tapping softly on the window.

I'm bewildered by people rushing through their days, oblivious to the magic that envelops them, trudging through their days without truly *living*. It's like they're sleepwalking through the most incredible show on Earth.

There's so much wonder out there, so much to be amazed by! And that's what I try to capture in my art – that spark, that magic, that reminder to stop and really *see*.

My paintings aren't just images, they're love letters to life itself, a celebration of every tiny miracle that surrounds us. They serve as windows into a realm where imperfection is embraced and possibilities are endless. And when you look at them, I hope you feel it too – that sense of awe, that connection to something bigger than yourself.

Because life, my friend, it's a masterpiece in every sense of the word.

I also contribute to nurturing a thriving local art community as the owner of The 9318 Collective in Silverton, Colorado.

So, here I am – an artist defining myself through the ever-shifting canvas of my creativity and looking for the magic along the way. Thanks for tagging along on this journey – I can’t wait to see what happens next!


How do you define yourself as an artist when your creativity is constantly shifting and evolving?

That’s the dance I find myself in – I’m not your typical painter sticking to one medium. I’m more like a creative nomad, wandering between different forms of artistic expression.

Growing up surrounded by the creative wizardry of my Dad, a master of everything from stained glass to furniture making, fueled my passion for experimentation and perpetual learning. In turn, shifting from one medium to another is not just a choice; it’s a joyous celebration of my ever-evolving artistic journey.

The magic for me lies in deciphering the unique process of each medium. Once I’ve cracked the code, it’s time to shake things up and embrace the next artistic adventure.

The canvas is my playground, where vibrant visions burst with texture and come to life. Magic isn't just a concept—it's a guiding force in my work and life. My art is a world of vibrant hues and tactile richness, a celebration of life's quirks and synchronicities.

Want some magic of your own?

I’m available for commissions.